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Short-Term Goals:

  • Passing Asian American Studies as an elective course.
  • Piloting Asian American Studies in HISD/Alief ISD/Katy ISD by Spring 2023.

Intermediate Goals

  • Learn and teach strategies to implement K-12 Asian American Studies course in Texas public schools 
  • Ensuring that there is funding for teaching AAS. 
  • Encourage curriculum to link past injustices to current inequities so students understand the full significance of learning history. 
  • Ensure that students have the ability to channel their knowledge into action through civic engagement in their local communities.
  • Changing the social studies textbooks on how Asian Americans are stereotypically portrayed and to make sure that our history is included in the textbooks. 

LONG-Term Goals:

  • Make courses in ethnic studies a graduation requirement 
  • Create a pipeline of Asian American majors/minors, Asian American teachers and professors 
  • Create a community of activists and organizers to learn from and with one another 
  • To ensure that all students see themselves represented in our education. We want all students to be able to grow up knowing themselves deeply and to continuously learn about themselves, their families and their communities. Grounded in history, our students will be able to express themselves confidently and freely. We want to re-imagine and repurpose the education system to be one that is anti-oppressive. Teaching effectively about structural inequality inevitably leads to questions among students and teachers such as, “Now that I know about this kind of inequity, what can I do? How am I implicated in these systems of inequality? What should I do with my structural privilege or structural disadvantage? What is my role in challenging deeply oppressive power structures as they exist in the present?” Let’s make education a platform in which we can imagine alternative possibilities for our communities and forge pathways toward bringing those possibilities into reality.